Change means action. Action means change

Katarzyna Rarus


Zmiana oznacza
działanie - Działanie
oznacza zmianę.


mgr dietetyki

Kasia Rarus – Master of Science in dietetics . A graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw.

Kasia Rarus – Master of Science in dietetics . A graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw.

She specializes in creating individual nutritional programmes that help improve the quality of life by reducing body fat, increasing the amount of energy during the day, improving concentration and preventing diseases associated with overweight and obesity.

She thinks that short-term, restrictive diets usually lead to frustration and the yo-yo effect. In her work she shows that weight-loss can be achieved in an alternative way. She works with people who want to create habits, not restrictions. 

Find out more:

What are the areas of my expertise?

Dietary coaching leading to effective an permanent weight loss
(overweight, obesity, complications of being overweight/obesity)
Helping busy people
(support for cognitive functions, sleep, circadian rhythm, lifestyle)
Work on metabolic adaptations
(effective weight loss after unsuccessful weight loss trials)
Creating individual nutritional plan which suits your lifestyle
(individual distribution of macronutrients, types of meals and supplementation which will work with your lifestyle)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Working with me - what will it look like?

Completing the initial survey



Initial consultation, an explanation my methods
Receiving the nutritional plan and all recommendations



Achieving your goal with ongoing contact

Find out more:

What to expect when working with me?

An individualised plan

Every plan is tailor – made for each individual. Remember – a diet is designed for you, rather than you following to fit a specific diet.


I have an  MSc and so when working with  clients I apply scientifically proven evidence  based theories.

Ongoing contact

I’m here to support you


We work based on methods that generate measurable effects.

Effects of working with me – what can you expect?


Creating a nutritional system that will stay with you after working with me  – no more short-term diets. Your body deserves the highest quality with the right amount of energy supplied.


Permanent and effective weight loss – you will say goodbye to nutritional systems that lead to the yo-yo effect. You will enjoy the achieved results in the long term.


Improved concentration and energy level – no more feeling tired during the day, forgetfulness or problems with concentration.


Improving the quality of life – you will make conscious food choices, nourish your body qualitatively and take care of your circadian rhythm.

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